Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have always been an avid 'Yahoo Answers' fan, and was looking for somewhere to go where I could answer questions and get paid. Well its here! Webanswers.com.

You first need to sign up for a free Google Ad sense publishers ID.

Then complete the easy registration at webanswers.com and include your publishers ID as part of your registration.

Now, go find questions you'd like to answer! It's that easy.

If your answer gets chosen as the best answer, you will receive all of that ad sense for that page's clicks. Again, this may not seem like much, but the more people search for that same answer online, and click on yours, the higher in the search engine it will rank, and therefore earn more clicks!

You could be getting paid two years from now, on a question you took five minutes to answer. Over time, it will build up.

Don't get discouraged if your answers do not get chosen as the best answer, your ad sense ID will still display periodically on other areas of the site and can earn you income that way as well. I haven't had any best answer's so far, so imagine my surprise when I signed into my ad sense account and found out I had been making money nearly every day since I joined WebAnswers.com and started answering questions!

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